Month: February 2011

  • Apache Memory Consumption

    One quick way to determine how much memory is being consumed by all apache processes is to use the following command: ps -eo user,pid,pcpu,cmd,rss | egrep httpd | awk ‘{SUM += $5} END {print “Total memory used: ” SUM}’

  • Zend Studio / Zend Server Integration

    I have recently had the opportunity to work with Zend Server and Zend Studio as part of performance testing / bench-marking a large application. I had an interesting, intermittent problem getting Zend Server and Zend Studio to work together as part of the debugging/profiling process with the following error showing up frequently: Failed to communicate […]

  • Copy and Paste (clipboard) Fedora 14 to Windows 7 rdesktop Session

    EDIT: It turns out that this was a mistake – I had long ago acquired the habit of stopping the rdpclip.exe process on any Windows client that I was using rdesktop to work on whenever copy/paste stopped working and re-connect to solve the problem. I had done this at the same time where I changed […]