Month: June 2012

  • Configuring Existing OpenLDAP 2.4+ Directory to Accept TLS Connections

    This tip assumes that OpenLDAP is currently running properly on port 389 without SSL/TLS configured and that the database is being used to store the config file via cn=config. 1. Generate an SSL key pair a. private key openssl genrsa -out slapd.key 2048 b. self-signed certificate re: openssl req -new -x509 -key slapd.key -out…

  • MySQL Backup over SSH to Another Host

    A problem that I’ve had a few times is to backup a MySQL database before decommissioning a server. Oftentimes the server is not large enough to accommodate a backup on the local disk store so a remote backup is required. This is not too hard, athough with hundreds of gigabytes or serveral terrabytes, it can…

  • AWS Elastic Load Balancing in a Private Subnet

    I recently learned a valuable lesson when setting up load balancing using an Elastic Load Balancer within a Virtual Private Cloud using public and private subnets and a NAT host. When creating the ELB, be sure to create it within the public subnets and not the private subnets where the instances that will be attached…