Month: December 2012

  • AWS VPC DB Security Group

    The other day I was working with a client and creating a CloudFormation template that used RDS instances within a VPC. I found that while creating the DB security group object that I was getting an error like the following: STACK_EVENT CloudFormationName DBSecurityGroupName AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup 2012-12-17T22:30:20Z CREATE_FAILED Please see the documentation for authorizing DBSecurityGroup ingress. For […]

  • Configure MAC OSX Network Interface from the Command Line

    Command line network configuration for the MAC is quite a bit different when compared to Linux or Unix. The networksetup command is used instead of ifconfig to configure devices. The first step is to get a list of all network services – these are really physical and virtual devices, VPNs, etc.. networksetup -listallnetworkservices The next […]