I was recently working on a data load where I wanted to convert one column from an epoch time format into a timestamp column on import. I couldn’t figure out why the timestamp was being set to the current time on every test, no matter what I set the variables/values to.
I initially tried with this script:
for file in $(find ${FILESRC} -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*csv") do mysql -u user --password=password << EOF LOAD DATA INFILE "${file}" INTO TABLE mydb.mytable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (field1,field2,@epochtime) set timestampfield = FROM_UNIXTIME( @epochtime ) ; EOF #mv ${file} ${FILEDST}/ done
Note that this is loading into a table with at least 3 columns, field1, field2, and timestampfield.
The problem was that when I created the table, the timestamp field default value was set to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and was over-riding the SET operation.
To fix the issue, I changed the data type for the timestamp field to datetime which has a default of NULL and the import then worked.
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