Category: puppet

  • IMDSv2 Calls w/ Older Boto3

    I had a recent problem where I needed to disable IMDSv1 on an older application that could not be upgraded. The boto3 version was 1.8.9 and would require significant changes to support IMDSv2. Instead of upgrading, I was able to set the AWS config and credentials using puppet, using the EC2 instance profile role. This…

  • Apache Airflow 1.10.2– Active Directory Authentication (via LDAP[s])

    This basic guide assumes a functional airflow deployment, albeit without authentication, or perhaps, with LDAP authentication under the legacy UI scheme. This guide also assumes apache airflow 1.10.2, installed via pip using MySQL and Redis. The guide also assumes Amazon Linux on an EC2 instance. Pre-requisites: An Active Directory service account to use as the…

  • SSH in a for loop is a solution…

    I just read an article by Jay Valentine on LinkedIn where he talks about Puppet and how they were not profitable, and also noted that Chef is not, and has never been, profitable. That got me to thinking, why are IT professionals investing in these technologies (time, knowledge, effort…). As an IT pro, it’s tempting…

  • Standalone puppet with hiera 5 error…

    With puppet moving more and more away from supporting a standalone model, it’s somewhat difficult to get puppet standalone working. I recently got bit by a hiera update that caused my puppet standalone deployments to stop interacting with hiera the way that I had deployed it. Affected versions: puppet 4.10.10 hiera 3.4.3 The error that…

  • Retrieving puppet facts from AWS System Manager

    AWS System Manager makes it easy to store and retrieve parameters for use across servers, services, and applications in AWS. One great benefit is storing secrets for use, as needed. I recently needed to retrieve some parameters to place in a configuration file via puppet and wrote a short script to retrieve these values as…

  • Puppet deprecation in stdlib module…

    As part of the long upgrade to become fully compatible with puppet 4 and drop puppet 3 support — version 4.13+ of the stdlib module introduced some breaking changes for other modules that I use. I recently upgrade some individual modules using the ‘puppet module upgrade’ method. Upon upgrading, I received the following message: Error:…

  • Latest Amazon EC2 AMI Supports Puppet 3.7.4

    Good news! After quite some time without a supported puppet and ruby combination from the EC2 yum repositories, the latest AMI has support for puppet 3.7.4. This will make deploying puppet environments easier and not require use of the gem and the development packages requirement to compile it.

  • puppet search function deprecation

    With the release of puppet 3.7, the search function is now deprecated, and will be removed in 4.0. This is a feature that I had used by recommendation of a puppet cookbook when creating virtual resources and managing users that I have now removed. Using the search function basically added the namespace of an existing…