Category: configuration management
AWS RDS Aurora Blue/Green Deployment
Performing a blue/green deployment with RDS is a great way to validate changes and cutover while keeping the same endpoint and disrupting applications as little as possible. There are some important deployment considerations that you have to know before you create your cluster. Most of the time, teams find out about this after running a…
Terraform Module to Build an AMI using CodeBuild and Packer
I’ve created a terraform module that will allow you to build any AMI with a Packer configuration in a Git repository, using CodeBuild, and place the AMI ID in an SSM Parameter for use by other modules. I’ve created this module so that any AMI that I build can easily be deployed and built on…
Connect to GitHub from AWS CodeBuild
In order to build and deliver software in AWS using Github as the source repository, you have to setup a connection to authorize AWS to use Github. The best way is to use a GitHub App connection. AWS has some great documentation on how to do this. First, you need access to a GitHub account…
IMDSv2 Calls w/ Older Boto3
I had a recent problem where I needed to disable IMDSv1 on an older application that could not be upgraded. The boto3 version was 1.8.9 and would require significant changes to support IMDSv2. Instead of upgrading, I was able to set the AWS config and credentials using puppet, using the EC2 instance profile role. This…
AccessDenied: User: is not authorized to perform: elasticloadbalancing:AddTags on resource
I recently updated a deployed helm chart’s ingress definition to add an SSL redirect on port 80 and was surprised to find that the operation also resulted in the removal of several listener rules from my ALB and a failure to update the SSL redirect. I pulled the logs from the AWS LoadBalancer Controller pods…
EFS Volume Fails to Mount on Kubernetes Pod
I was migrating a site from AWS ECS to AWS EKS recently, using the bitnami/wordpress helm chart and came across the following error: I spent quite a while troubleshooting this error, and the result was actually not related to this output at all. This output was due to the wordpress pod coming online before the…
AWS LoadBalancer SSL Redirect with Bitnami Helm Chart(s)
First of all, thank you to Bitnami for providing such valuable helm charts to the community. What a great resource! Why doesn’t Bitnami support adding an SSL redirect for AWS LoadBalancing in their helm charts? I have worked with several lately where the templates baked into the helm charts will not allow the addition of…
Find Windows Server Version from the Command Line
Here is a useful command that will show which Windows Version is installed: systeminfo | findstr /B /C:”OS Name” /C:”OS Version”
SSH in a for loop is a solution…
I just read an article by Jay Valentine on LinkedIn where he talks about Puppet and how they were not profitable, and also noted that Chef is not, and has never been, profitable. That got me to thinking, why are IT professionals investing in these technologies (time, knowledge, effort…). As an IT pro, it’s tempting…
Standalone puppet with hiera 5 error…
With puppet moving more and more away from supporting a standalone model, it’s somewhat difficult to get puppet standalone working. I recently got bit by a hiera update that caused my puppet standalone deployments to stop interacting with hiera the way that I had deployed it. Affected versions: puppet 4.10.10 hiera 3.4.3 The error that…