Category: LDAP

  • Apache Airflow 1.10.2– Active Directory Authentication (via LDAP[s])

    This basic guide assumes a functional airflow deployment, albeit without authentication, or perhaps, with LDAP authentication under the legacy UI scheme. This guide also assumes apache airflow 1.10.2, installed via pip using MySQL and Redis. The guide also assumes Amazon Linux on an EC2 instance. Pre-requisites: An Active Directory service account to use as the…

  • Rebooting: quick tip

    Note to self: whenever rebooting a server, login via SSH and restart the OpenSSH daemon first to validate that it will come back up. I just updated an AWS instance and rebooted it without doing this. Some new update in OpenSSH required that the AuthorizedKeysCommandUser be defined if AuthorizedKeysCommand is defined and the OpenSSH daemon…

  • SSH Public Key Authentication via OpenLDAP on RHEL/CentOS 6.x

    With the release of RHEL/CentOS 6.x there are some changes to the way clients authenticate using public keys over SSH with keys stored in OpenLDAP. I was able to get this working with the following modifications. Pre-requisites: * RHEL / CentOS 6.x * openssh-ldap Setup the sshd_config by setting up the AuthorizedKeysCommand. This will execute…